As a response to lots of “how do you actually get it done?” questions, we’ve decided to go back and document our journey for you. You might not be overly keen on silk pillowcases but maybe you’ll find it interesting to read about our journey so far.
A few years ago my (amazing 🤍) niece gave me my very first silk pillowcase. I loved it. Hated it when it went in the wash because I had to go back to cotton. Another baby came along and over time the silk slip got lost in the cupboard. It wasn’t until I had my third baby that I found it again, buried, so back out it came. As much as I loved it, it didn’t match my bedding. So being a Virgo with OCD (*wink*) I searched high and low for a pair of patterned silk pillowcases for something different.
I came up trumps. Nothing. The few I found with patterns I just didn’t like and others just didn’t measure up on quality.
So I decided I’d have to do it myself.
First step: Research research research. How on earth do I this? Where do I even start?
After days of fumbling around I found my first lead deep in the realms of Google and a little sales office in Sydney with links to one of the biggest and most reputable mulberry silk producers and manufacturers in the world.
To be continued… #everyou